2 Reasons you where born
1. Intimacy with God When God was creating all living things, he made them two by two male and female but he made man without the woman why because of intimacy (study,meditating on his word, praying). It was that brought the inspiration of marriage and sex (in marriage) 2. Purpose When God has made the man , he gave him purpose( keep the garden). what is purpose: is that thing God want you to be not want you want to be 80℅ of human are going after ambition not knowing there is different between vision and ambition. Ambition is good, you can so be rich in it but you will not be fulfilled except you locate your purpose on earth. How?, by having constant intimacy with God because you were made by him. Then your eyes will be open. You discover it without stress. Note: those who are in their purpose for life will survive hard times Please like this page for motivation post that substain your passion for vision Page name: Ampelos Broadcast (search it) #ampelosbroadcast...